Tom Dea's Personal Page

Samaritan Cycling
Samaritan Cycling
Ride The Rockies 2024CANCELLED
Samaritan House's mission is to improve the lives of those they serve, focusing on women, families, veterans, and people experiencing homelessness or food insecurity
In Fiscal Year 2009-2010, the Samaritan House provided shelter and served roughly 260,000 meals for those in hunger. In Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Samaritan House continues to provide shelter and will serve approximately 640,000 meals. In 14 years the support has more than doubled, and there is still a great need. I wanted to help solve the problem, but it has turned out to b a differential equation with 16 variables and 32 unknowns.
Samaritan Cycling has grown! This year with the help of so many others, we can count over 200 riders that have been teammates, and so many more supporters!
Through the years we have persevered with the help of friends, family and teammates and this year Team Samaritan will eclipse the $2,000,000 mark for funds raised to help others less fortunate.
Our initial goal was to raise $6,500 and now we are going to be over $2,000,000
"The poor will always be with us"
For past supporters, Thanks to your generous contributions, Samaritan Cycling continues cranking. We continue to change lives as time rolls along.
Don’t Bike, No Problem, I invite you to visit the shelters with me!
** Team Samaritan members also volunteer serving meals, volunteers legal services, and spreading love and hope! To consider volunteering for service here is a link:
If you want, check out this video out that my nephew Adam Dawkins and other friends and family members put together four years ago when Tom Schwein and I accepted the award on behalf of all the riders, donors, and volunteers:
SO -- Andre VanHall received his bionic knee (October 2022), and one month ago today I had my left hip replaced. I hope to have my right one done before the end of 2024. We are planning to continue to ride and help others!
Once again, I’m inviting you to give, but only if you feel this is something that is right and if you are able.
If you wish to pledge, you can click here:
If you wish to write a check, please make your tax-deductible contribution payable to:
Samaritan House 6240 Smith Rd. Denver, CO 80216 In the check memo line put: Samaritan Cycling (Tom Dea)
The need for help continues to grow and we have helped change lives one person at a time. Slow and Steady, like I bike!
Anne and I will match every donation up to $3,000 this year, so your help will go further than you know.
If you want to pledge, THANK YOU. If you want to support a specific shelter, or a specific cause, please do so. The homeless and the staff at the Shelters THANK YOU! Again, If you ever want to ride or take a tour of the shelters please let me know!
Tom Dea ------ 303-882-3749
Thanks for your consideration and support!
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